I first failed to adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, from the beginning in any subsection, a decadent vulgar style of a victim. 我首先是没能坚持严格自律,廉洁奉公,从不拘小节开始,成为腐朽庸俗作风的牺牲品。
Due to the vulgar content, sagging style of Ci as well as boundary confusion between Tang poem and Song Ci, the writers of Ci urgently called for the formation of Ci format in order to realize the independent value of Ci type. 由于词的内容的鄙俗、风格的萎靡,以及在诗词界限上的困惑,词人迫切需要尊体以实现词体的独立价值。
According to ancient critics, we can summarize the features of vulgar Ci& poems focus on vulgar stype, vulgar words, vulgar meaning and vulgar style. 根据古代词论家对俗词的批判,可以总结出俗词之俗多集中在俗体、俗语、俗意以及俗风四个方面。